Training & resources
Training and resources are available to support individuals, organisations and communities to prepare for future natural disasters, and provide assistance to those impacted by them.
Find out more about local training courses and resources and how to access these.
Get ready
Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office’s (WREMO) website has information and workshops to help your family, business and community prepare for future disasters.
Psychological First Aid
Funded courses run by Red Cross to assist people and groups supporting others following a natural disaster or traumatic event.
Whakapā atu ki tō kaunihera
Contact your Council
Masterton District Council
161 Queen Street, Masterton
27 Lincoln Road, Masterton
Visit Website
Phone: 06 370 6300
Email: [email protected]
Carterton District Council
28 Holloway Street, Carterton
Visit Website
Phone: 06 379 4030
Email: [email protected]
South Wairarapa District Council
19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
Visit Website
Phone: 06 306 9611
Email: [email protected]
Wairarapa Recovery Office works across the three Wairarapa district councils (Masterton, Carterton, South Wairarapa) to coordinate disaster recovery and community emergency resilience efforts.