Hīkina Wairarapa

Wairarapa Recovery

Kia ora and welcome to the Hīkina Wairarapa – Wairarapa Recovery website. This site brings together information and resources for individuals and communities across Wairarapa impacted by natural hazards.

Check this site for information on:

Wairarapa Recovery
Met Service App
Met Service Warning

Cyclone Gabrielle

Our latest recovery response

Over the course of 12-13 February 2023, Wairarapa was struck by Cyclone Gabrielle, a tropical cyclone that caused widespread damate to regions across the North Island, with nine regional states of emergency.

Eastern and coastal communities in Wairarapa were hit, with some communities experiencing severe flooding and slips, stock losses, and damage to farm equipment, pastures and fencing. A number of famillies had to evacuate their homes, with some still unable to return.

A regional reponse to the cyclone saw councils, volunteers and a range of local organisations pull together to assist people and communities that were affected.

Ngā karere o te wā

Latest News

Wairarapa survey highlights ongoing impacts of 2023 cyclones

Wairarapa survey highlights ongoing impacts of 2023 cyclones

A survey has highlighted the significant ongoing property, financial and social impacts of Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle on people and communities in Wairarapa. Run by the Wairarapa Recovery Office (WRO), the survey of people in impacted areas found that 75 percent of...

New defibrillators equip remote communities for medical emergencies

New defibrillators equip remote communities for medical emergencies

New Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) were installed in a number of rural and isolated locations around Wairarapa recently, including in some of the region’s community halls. The addition of the AEDs will further equip these halls as key community facilities,...

Psychological First Aid courses available

Psychological First Aid courses available

Wairarapa Recovery Office (WRO) is coordinating and funding a series of Psychological First Aid (PFA) courses that will be available to workplaces, marae and community organisations that support individuals and whānau following natural disasters and traumatic events.

Whakapā atu ki tō kaunihera

Contact your Council

Masterton District Council

161 Queen Street, Masterton
27 Lincoln Road, Masterton


Visit Website

Phone: 06 370 6300

Email: recovery@mstn.govt.nz


Carterton District Council

28 Holloway Street, Carterton



Visit Website

Phone: 06 379 4030

Email: recovery@cdc.govt.nz


South Wairarapa District Council

19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough



Visit Website

Phone: 06 306 9611

Email: recovery@swdc.govt.nz



Recovery Manager,
PO Box 444, Masterton, 5840

This page brings together information and resources for individuals and communities across Wairarapa impacted by natural hazards.

Wairarapa Recovery Office works across the three Wairarapa district councils (Masterton, Carterton, South Wairarapa) to coordinate disaster recovery and community emergency resilience efforts.